About StretchMate Adapt™
The Adapt by StretchMate came about after the StretchMate was successfully launched over 30 years ago. We wanted a smaller, less expensive version that did everything the large unit did. The Adapt is the answer. It is called The Adapt because the thick elastic cord adapts to the exact amount of tension a user puts on it. It also adapts to the user’s environment or lifestyle as it attaches to a door or wall and you can travel with it.
Maximizing Comfort and Safety
The thick cord adapts to the correct amount of tension applied; it creates what we call a “forgiving effect” on the body. In other words, the user never feels tension in the joints because there is none. For example, if I hold on to a door frame or something stationary, I can feel a nice stretch up to a point. Then I start to sense danger because the door frame has no give and then I instinctively back off. Technically this is the Myotatic Stretch Reflex being activated. Think of a doctor tapping the tendon just below your knee to test your reflexes.
How about watching a boring movie and your head starts to droop forward and down and snaps back up. This is the stretch reflex in action. It prevents your head from going too far and injuring or straining the muscles in the neck. The Adapt’s “forgiving effect” prevents the stretch reflex from activating while stretching. You don’t sense danger because there is none.
Multi Planar Adaptive Stretching
The technique is called “Multi Planar Adaptive Stretching” (MPAS). The Adapt user is standing up and moving in space to allow him/her to find, feel and release microtraumas as they naturally and instinctively do when stretching every day.
So why do you need a product with which to stretch. You don’t! But stretching with The Adapt makes stretching easier, safer and far more effective than any other way and once you feel it, you’ll agree.
Example Stretches

Right Shoulder

Right Quad

Right Hamstring

Right Glute