Flexibility for life.
What is The Adapt by StretchMate
Over the past 34 years, many of you have seen and used our previous version of StretchMate. Due to increasing demand, we have designed a much smaller, less expensive version, “The Adapt” by StretchMate. The elastic cord still “adapts” to the amount of tension applied and it “adapts” to your environment and lifestyle. This unit travels easily and can hang on any door or wall.
The Adapt is a unique multi-purpose tool designed to assist the human body in restoring, maintaining and increasing your range of motion at any age. It helps reduce symptoms of back and joint pain, arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, tennis elbow, etc. Achieve optimal flexibility to improve the way you perform and feel when engaging in everyday movements and activities.
The technique is called “Multi Planar Adaptive Stretching” (MPAS). The Adapt user is standing up and moving in space to allow him/her to move in all 3 planes to find, feel and release the tight areas (sometimes called microtraumas, adhesions, scar tissue, trigger points, knots, etc.)
Make it Easy
So why do you need a product with which to stretch? You don’t! But stretching with The Adapt makes stretching easier, safer and far more effective than any other way and once you feel it, you’ll agree.

The smarter way to stretch.
Improve fitness for
everyday activities





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